You guys! I have published a self-love oracle deck! I just can't believe it! I continue to be grateful for my journey of continuing to grow, learn & take each small step towards my dreams. The mystic side of my self-love journey isn't the typical advice you would receive from someone helping you to love yourself more...but let me tell you how it has helped me immensely in my journey!
To start off...what is a oracle deck anyway? Oracle decks are a tool of self-reflection to add to your magical and spiritual practice, or just to use for fun. I have used oracle decks in my self-love journey to give me daily guidance, enhance my journaling or yoga practice, or receive guidance around full or new moons. Typically the cards I pull are exactly what I need to hear & my journey has led me to pulling cards often for those around me who are also seeking guidance. I loved how each oracle deck was so unique and specific to the artist. My creative side was always pulled towards the beauty of oracle cards and there uniqueness. So my force of creativity pulled me towards creating....The Find your Magic: Self-Love Oracle. My very first card deck was born!
I took inspiration from the many oracle decks that I collected over the years and thought long and hard about how I wanted my oracle deck to be "different'. What could I do to make my deck stand out and scream 'Martina'. I will now share with you my favorite things about my deck & maybe it is something you need in your life for guidance and support in your self-love journey!
1. My love for water-colour, the moon & animals
I have always loved water-colour. I knew my deck had to be my favorite color combination of pink, purple & blue...my branding colors of course...lol. The moon! My love for the moon has inspired the name of my yoga business, my logos & the theme for much of my branding. There is just something about the moon that inspires me, makes me feel whole & magical! Animals of course. Living in the northern part of Canada animals have been a big part of my life. I love the majestic creatures and how mystical they each are. I think the wisdom we receive from these animals are far beyond what we understand.
2. Chakras, Crystals & Aromatherapy
I knew that I wanted to give my deck even more tools that people could pull from to enhance their journey. Chakras have been a big part of my self-love healing. Brining balance to these energy centres have been life transforming! Crystals have always been a part of my life. From collecting rocks when I was a little girl to now owning a crystal shop! Crystals are powerful healing energy tools that have enhanced my journey and that will always be a part of my life. Aromatherapy is another big one! The emotional support that I receive from essential oils is amazing. These magical bottles of plants have also transformed so many areas of my life & I love that my family has chosen 'natures medicine cabinet'.
3. Yoga
Each card in my oracle deck is associated with a Chakra. I have included many different yoga poses that can enhance the use of each card. Yoga has changed my life & it has given me the peace of mind, the connectedness to my body & the confidence to know I can do whatever I set my mind to!
And now to the deck! The deck is a form of guidance, a way to connect with spirit & your highest good. Using this deck as a daily holistic tool will help you to make decisions, feel supported & often hear exactly what you need to hear. You are imperfectly perfect just as you are in this moment and this deck will help you receive all the love, confidence and support through your self-love journey. You can find self-love at ANY size & this deck can be used a beautiful tool in your healing journey! Let's find your magic! Each card has a spirit animal, affirmation & chakra connected to it. In the guidebook you will find detailed information on your guidance from the spirit animal, along with chakra information, crystals, essential oils & yoga poses that can enhance the experience.
I want the deck!
P.S. Whenever you are ready - here are 3 ways I can help you on the path to finding self-love at any size through mystic and holistic approaches! Let's find your magic!
1. Receive daily affirmations to your phone! Set the tone for your day with positive self-talk!
Daily Affirmations!
2. Join our community Imperfectly Perfect YOU: Finding Self-Love at any size! and connect with women who will empower, inspire and motivate you to love your imperfectly perfect self & learn to accept and respect your body!
3. Find your Magic Course Library! Discover movement you love, Find self-Love through journaling, make peace with food, or harness the power of crystals! Receive your special discount to all my courses by using the coupon code: MAGICVIP at check-out!
Sending you love and light
I want the deck!
P.S. Whenever you are ready - here are 3 ways I can help you on the path to finding self-love at any size through mystic and holistic approaches! Let's find your magic!
1. Receive daily affirmations to your phone! Set the tone for your day with positive self-talk!
Daily Affirmations!
2. Join our community Imperfectly Perfect YOU: Finding Self-Love at any size! and connect with women who will empower, inspire and motivate you to love your imperfectly perfect self & learn to accept and respect your body!
3. Find your Magic Course Library! Discover movement you love, Find self-Love through journaling, make peace with food, or harness the power of crystals! Receive your special discount to all my courses by using the coupon code: MAGICVIP at check-out!
Sending you love and light

My journey to gratitude has been a big part of my self-love routine. It has helped me to come from a place of love and gratitude instead of hate and fear. It has allowed me to accept and respect my body. The cool thing about fear and gratitude is that we can't be in fear and gratitude at the same time. The two are energetically opposed to each other.
Gratitude doesn't change our situations, but it changes our perspective. Here are some of my favorite reasons for how living in gratitude is much better than living in fear:
1. Hope through Gratitude - Living in gratitude helps despair from anchoring in your heart. What I like to think about is what you focus on grows. So if you focus on what your grateful for...what is going to grow? That's right. The things you are grateful for.
2. Shh.....Quiet the voice of fear - If we are living in fear we are always thinking things like:
2. Shh.....Quiet the voice of fear - If we are living in fear we are always thinking things like:
What will people think? Worst case scenario? Fear is always future based! When we come from a place of gratitude we are living in the present moment and that is how you find true peace, passion, happiness & growth.
3. Fear = Stress / Gratitude = Ease
Living in gratitude eases the stress response. It pulls you out of that regulated state. Next time you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, stressed, worried, anxious...try to come back to the present moment and find gratitude for things in this very moment.
I hope these tips help you to live a life of gratitude. Try to focus each day on either talking about things your grateful for, showing people around you that you are grateful for them, telling yourself things you are grateful for that your body does, or keep a gratitude journal and write down 5 things each day. Want to learn more on how you can transform fear to gratitude? I did a video talks about this very thing! Watch the video!
Do you want to join a community of women empowering each other to find self-love at any size through many different holistic and mystic approaches? www.imperfectlyperfectyou.ca
Want to Keep yourself accountable? Set yourself up for success by making your goals M.Y.S.T.I.C! Get your free mystic planner here! https://martinahealthandwellness.com/landing/mystic-goals
Be sure to check out all the courses and coaching on my website at www.martinahealthandwellness.com

Setting goals are a fun way to really think about what you want out of this life and how you are going to get there. Setting goals are a great tool in our journeys. It can be a great way to keep yourself accountable. Well...your goals need plan & a vision...so why not make your goals M.Y.S.T.I.C!
What is M.Y.S.T.I.C. Goals?
This is a method I have come up with in my own personal journey that has allowed me to create a system to set goals and actually achieve them! Yes...it may seem like your traditional way to set goals...but add a little MAGIC!
M - Measureable
Your goals needs to have some sort of way to be measured! How are your going to track your progress? An app, your phone, your planner? Deciding the way you are going to measure or track your goal is one sure way to set yourself up for success!
Y - You are in control!
What are you action steps to get to the goal? Do you have small obtainable action steps that will allow you to visualize that you are doing the things to see your goal to the end!
S - Specific
What is your goal? Figure out exactly what you want. Be specific. When your able to have a very clear vision of what you want...the path is illuminated on how to get there!
T - Time bound
Dates are your friend when it comes to setting goals! It gives you motivation, focus & determination. It allows all the other steps to seamlessly flow together as you can really see all the steps outlined and how long it is going to require to be confident in getting there by a certain date!
I - I am
Creating affirmations based upon your goals is that extra bit of sparkle that allows you to visualize your goal on a daily basis. Get creative with your affirmations, post them on your mirror, set alarms on your phone, write them down each morning. Repeating your goal daily in affirmation form is an excellent way to keep that dream alive!
C - Can this happen?
Setting realistic goals is a great way to avoid overwhelm. Is your goal achievable? Have you outlined the steps to see that clear path illuminated to the finish line. Make sure you are confident and organized to avoid disbelief and overwhelm. This feeling can paralyze you and stop you from taking any action towards your goals.
Have you grabbed your free MYSTIC Planner? This workbook gives you a place to start when figuring out your MYSTIC goals along with some other fun ways to be consistent with your dreams and goals. Click here to get your planner!
Have you checked out how you can work with me? I have many online offerings to help you find your magic!
Improve your mindset, confidence and discover your true self! Find your magic with journaling, yoga & meditation!
Have you been drawn to crystals but don't know where to start?
Want to ditch the diet mentality, find movement you love & all in 10 minutes a day?

"Ive failed and embarrassed myself"
"I am overweight and out of shape. No one can love me at this size".
"There is just no way this will work."
If you ever find yourself saying similar things I am here to tell you that you are not alone. Research shows that over 80% of our daily thoughts are negative. That just seems crazy to me! Imagine what life would look like if that 80% was switched around? I'd say life would look a lot different. So we know this....we are our worst critics. We are hardest on ourselves. We say things to ourselves that we could never imagine saying to a friend or even a stranger. I have come up with some tips below that can help you will the inner battle of negative thinking & hopefully help you do change your inner voice to a more positive one!
1. Check-in with your feelings
Throughout your day everytime that you notice a negative thought creep in and ask yourself...how can I change this thought into a positive? Just take that extra moment in your day to pause, reflect and try to keep in a positive state of mind. Another exercise I like to do is keep a notebook with me throughout the day and write down each time that a negative thought comes in, and replace it with a positive. Try and keep track for an entire day and just notice how many times this negative self-talk comes up for you.
2. Surround yourself with positive people!
Have you ever noticed your energy changing around different people? Do you pick up on negative energy? How does this make you feel? Take an inventory of who you are spending the most time with, how they make you feel & if they have a positive impact on your life. Try to spend time with people who raise you up, make you feel positive, and empower you to shine your brightest light!
3. Give yourself positive affirmations daily
Sometimes, seeing positive words or inspiring images can be enough to redirect your thoughts. Post small reminders in your office, in your home, in your journal and anywhere you spend a significant amount of time. Want to receive daily affirmations to your phone? Make sure to add your phone number to this link to receive daily text messages to your phone from me!
Hope these tips help you to make the shift to more positive thinking throughout your day!
Want to join the Self-Love revolution with Martina? Transforming your fear into courage, helping you to find self-love at any size, Healing your relationship with food & helping you to shine your light! I am taking an interest list for my new Self-Love program launching this fall! Reply to this email with the word SELF-LOVE to be added to the list!
Want to further your self-love journey? Don't know where to start? Visit my website to view my courses and programs to help you to find self-love at any size. Let's find your magic!
Want to further your self-love journey? Don't know where to start? Visit my website to view my courses and programs to help you to find self-love at any size. Let's find your magic!

I don't know about you...but I often find myself slipping into comparing myself to others. I will find myself thinking "She is so brilliant, she is so successful, she is so pretty". I then find myself trapped in the comparison trap. I feel bad about myself, I feel like giving up & I don't show up as confidently as I should. Here are some ways I like to keep myself in check when I start to feel comparison starting to kick-in.
1. Practicing Gratitude - I have a daily practice of being grateful for myself. I might be grateful for the ability to take deep breaths, grateful for my belly that holds my internal organs, grateful for my legs that carry me around all day. Once I step into gratitude I stop comparing myself with others and focus on myself!
2. Reality vs. Social Media - I sometimes have to remind myself that social media often shows peoples "highlight reel". It doesn't often show the failures, bad days, mistakes, painful moments, etc. Try to remember that we are all human and what you see isn't always a clear picture of someones life. Once you realize that...you will find comparing yourself to others less easy to do.
3. Learn to compete with YOURSELF! - This advice has been a life changer. When I notice myself comparing me to someone else. I STOP. PAUSE. And try to think about me 5 years ago, me 1 year ago & all the growth and successful moments that I have had. Once you can focus on your own growth, your own journey... and trying to become the best version of YOU...you won't be so focused on other peoples accomplishments and comparing them to your own.
I hope these 3 tips help you to STOP comparing yourself to others. I talked about comparison in a video the other day... click here to watch it!
You are imperfectly perfect just as you are in this moment. If you are looking for some other ways to be empowered to find self-love at any size...join my community
Want to receive daily text messages from me to your phone? Receive daily affirmations!
Positive affirmations are very powerful because they release you from negativity, fear, worry, and anxiety. When these affirmations are repeated over and over again, they begin to take charge of your thoughts, slowly changing your pattern of thinking and ultimately changing your life.
Daily Affirmations
Daily Affirmations
If you want to work with me..I have 3 different find your magic courses to take your self-love journey to the next level! Find self-love at any size, stop hating your body and love your imperfectly perfect self!