I used to have the mindset of "When I lose the weight, I will be happy", "People will love me more when I lose the weight", "I will love myself when I lose the weight". Guess what guys? NOT TRUE. I went on a journey to find love for myself through weightloss. At the end of my 80lb weightloss journey I felt EXACTLY the same as I did 80lbs heavier. In my before photo...I see the missing spark in my eyes...something had to change. I had to work on my inner self in order for it to be reflected on the outside.
So this is where my journey inward began. My first step was taking my Yoga teacher training. This gave me the self-love, peace & power that I was missing. My Yoga practice gave me permission to love myself just as I am. This was huge! I then found myself craving more from this way of life. I found journaling, essential oils, crystals & cards...all the things you guys! I took personal development courses, mastermind groups, anything I could to dive deeper into this "self-love" way of life. Guess what happened?
So this is where my journey inward began. My first step was taking my Yoga teacher training. This gave me the self-love, peace & power that I was missing. My Yoga practice gave me permission to love myself just as I am. This was huge! I then found myself craving more from this way of life. I found journaling, essential oils, crystals & cards...all the things you guys! I took personal development courses, mastermind groups, anything I could to dive deeper into this "self-love" way of life. Guess what happened?
I found a love for my imperfectly perfect self that I never thought was possible. My relationships are now better, my marriage is better, I am a better Mom, I am myself regardless of who is watching. I want this for you too friend. If you find yourself struggling with loving your imperfectly perfect self...I want to see you shine! I want you to feel the same way I do!
Join my FREE Group where we empower each other to love our imperfectly perfect selves. It is pretty magical & the journey has only begun!
Sending you love and light