Celebrate your body positive power! In a world that's constantly telling us to diet and lose weight, it can be hard to love our bodies just the way they are. But you know what? Screw that noise! It's time to celebrate our body positive power! Whether we're a size 2 or a size 22, we're all beautiful and deserve to feel confident and Sexy AF. So let's get out there and show the world what body positive power looks like! We'll turn heads, drop jaws, and make everyone wish they were as confident as us. We got this!
This may come as a shock to you, but your body is actually pretty great. I know, I know – it's easy to focus on the things we don't like about ourselves, especially when society tells us that we're not good enough the way we are. But if you really think about it, your body is an incredible machine that does a million things every day without even thinking about it. So why not start showing yourself some love by journaling? Here are some of the best ways to use journaling for self-love.
For many years this was my reality. Constant messages being pushed on me...Try this diet, try that diet, lose 20 lbs in 20 days, get rid of that stubborn belly fat. It consumed my entire life. It seemed like I was always on a diet. What I didn't know is that each time that I tried a new fad diet...I was actually doing more harm than good. Knowing what I know now..I have disrupted diet culture and brought connection back to my body. So to bring awareness... I want to share with you why Yo-Yo dieting is harmful... let's get into it!
Our kids are watching. How we love ourselves is how our children learn to love themselves. If we hate our bodies, skip meals, speak negatively about ourselves..guess what? That is how your kids are going to think they should be treating their bodies! Kids learn about body image and develop anxiety about their appearance from many different sources..one of them being parents. We play a crucial role in encouraging a healthy body image in our kids. Here are some ways to break the cycle...
The sacral chakra, or Swadhisthana, is the second of the body's seven main chakras or energy centers. It forms when we are between the ages of 8 and 14 and just beginning to develop a sense of self.
It is all about creativity, sexuality and relating our emotions and emotions of others. Someone with a balanced sacral chakra radiates warmth, confidence and generosity. When it is out of balance it can lead to feelings of fear, overwhelm, depression, emotional instability, loss of creativity and addictive behaviours. Here are 4 ways you can begin to heal the sacral chakra!