Intuitive eating can be a hard concept to explain to someone who has been deeply involved in diet culture. It is a non-diet approach to nutrition, health and wellness that focuses on connecting to our bodies to help guide us. The power is taken away from food rules and restriction and guided towards a place of abundance. No food is off limits. There are no rules. Intuitive eating was developed by 2 dieticians and consists of 10 principles to overcome dieting and regain trust with your body. It's about understanding our emotions, satisfaction, and mental health in order to meet both our physical and psychological needs. This concept can often invoke fear in people as they think this means they are giving up or letting themselves go. This fear is far from the truth. This week I want to share some easy ways you can start the conversation....
Do you notice that society has disconnected us from our bodies? Diet Culture has disconnected us from our bodies by believing that diet culture knows better on how much to eat, when to eat, what to eat...and if we follow their rules...we will be worthy, loveable and valuable. The fitness industry has disconnected us from our bodies by giving us a restricted list of movement that will provide the results we need to achieve in order to be considered worthy and achieve the 'perfect' body. This is something I have noticed over the last couple years & my inner healing has led me to bring connection back to my body & away from what society expects of me....Read more....

For a LONG time I hated my body...a really long time. One thing that has been a crucial step in my inner healing is journaling. It was a way for me to connect to my emotions in a way that felt safe, healthy & therapeutic. As I have witnessed my own transformation with journaling...I couldn't help but share my favorite ways I consistently show up for my journaling practice to increase my body positivity....Read more...

Let's face it...there is a lot of fear placed upon moving away from diet culture. I get it...you feel like your giving up. You feel like your going to gain a bunch of weight which equals total unworthiness in the eyes of diet culture & society as a whole. I was like you too. Scared of stepping away from the one thing I thought was the answer to my happiness. When I finally took the brave leap and stepped away...what I discovered is something far from what I ever thought possible.

Confidence. It's something I never thought I would have. Until I realized it was a skill I could improve.
Most of my life I have battled with feelings of not being good enough, not pretty enough, not skinny enough, not smart enough. Those feelings turned into an inner critic that constantly tore me down and quite literally held me back from living my purpose & shining my light. In my journey, these are the tips that have helped me to realize my worth, my value & my importance. I am comfortable in my own skin...which is something I never thought I would feel or experience.
Believe in YOURSELF
Start actually believing in yourself. Like, actually feeling that you matter. This is reflected in your boundaries, core values, standing up for yourself. No longer hiding in the corner. It's time to step into your beautiful and brilliant light!
Find Community
We are not meant to do this life alone. Find community. Your inner circle of people who actually SEE you. When you spend time with these people you leave feeling empower, inspired, appreciated & actually HEARD.
Realistic Expectations
We will always have challenges in our lives. Failure is a part of success. Give yourself grace to be easy on yourself as mistakes happen....because they will...lol. I chat more about this here.
Invest in your self-care
Taking time for yourself is such an important part of confidence. Knowing that you are worthy of treating with respect. Self-Care also doesn't have to look like massages and spa days (but it can). Self-care can be little things like that cup of tea in the afternoon, that 5 minute journaling session, that short meditation moment of connecting to your breath. Take time for you...even if its 5 minute little breaks in your day.
Trust your Intuition
If you know something doesn't feel right...follow that instinct. Trust your intuition. Don't 2nd guess yourself. Connecting back to your body is such an important skill when it comes to confidence!
P.S. Whenever you are ready - here are 3 ways I can help you on the path to finding self-love at any size through mystic and holistic approaches! Let's find your magic!
1. Receive daily affirmations to your phone! Set the tone for your day with positive self-talk!
Daily Affirmations!
2. Join our community Imperfectly Perfect YOU: Finding Self-Love at any size! and connect with women who will empower, inspire and motivate you to love your imperfectly perfect self & learn to accept and respect your body!
3. Find your Magic Course Library! Discover movement you love, Find self-Love through journaling, make peace with food, or harness the power of crystals! Receive your special discount to all my courses by using the coupon code: MAGICVIP at check-out! The Self-Love Revolution has also launched! Become a Self-Love Maven by signing up for this transformational program at 40% off (Use your coupon code: MAGICVIP) Join the Revolution!
1. Receive daily affirmations to your phone! Set the tone for your day with positive self-talk!
Daily Affirmations!
2. Join our community Imperfectly Perfect YOU: Finding Self-Love at any size! and connect with women who will empower, inspire and motivate you to love your imperfectly perfect self & learn to accept and respect your body!
3. Find your Magic Course Library! Discover movement you love, Find self-Love through journaling, make peace with food, or harness the power of crystals! Receive your special discount to all my courses by using the coupon code: MAGICVIP at check-out! The Self-Love Revolution has also launched! Become a Self-Love Maven by signing up for this transformational program at 40% off (Use your coupon code: MAGICVIP) Join the Revolution!