Do you notice that society has disconnected us from our bodies? Diet Culture has disconnected us from our bodies by believing that diet culture knows better on how much to eat, when to eat, what to eat...and if we follow their rules...we will be worthy, loveable and valuable. The fitness industry has disconnected us from our bodies by giving us a restricted list of movement that will provide the results we need to achieve in order to be considered worthy and achieve the 'perfect' body. This is something I have noticed over the last couple years & my inner healing has led me to bring connection back to my body & away from what society expects of me.
Here are 4 things I have discovered to be life transforming when it comes to connecting back to my body & intuitively listening to what my body needs. It is a journey that is far from over...but the small connections I have made already make me excited to follow this path.
1. Yoga or mindful movement - Finding what FEELS good!
When I stopped doing exercise that I hated...I found movement that I loved...life transformed. I love how my body feels when I am doing movement that I love. Yoga was my first movement that I actually LOVED. It felt overwhelmingly amazing to feel that connection to my body...which felt like the first time! Keep trying different movement until you find that thing that sets your soul on fire....I promise that it is worth it! Click here to practice one of my favorite yoga sequences.
2. Meditation - Traditional or Not so much...
Meditation was something I never thought I could do. I thought I wouldn't be able to turn my mind off. Once I discovered that meditation didn't have to look like sitting in the perfect environment with the most zen vibes...although this sounds wonderful...not always realistic. I found meditation in taking deep breaths, connecting to my senses, taking 5 minutes to ground myself. It doesn't always mean listening to a hour long guided session...sometimes...it just means connecting to your breath...taking a nice...long...deep breath. You just took a deep breath....didn't you?
3. Intuitive Eating - Listen to your bodies cues
This is a more recent part of my healing and one that I know will take a long time to fully feel the effects and healing from. By listening to my body...my hunger/fullness cues, letting go of the shame, guilt and fear I used to associate with food...has been quite the freeing experience! Disrupting diet culture by actually listening to your body...is the most amazing feeling when you can start to feel the shift.
4. Personal Growth - You are worth it
One thing I have never regretted is investing in my own personal growth. Is it scary? Sure! I still get feelings of guilt from time to time when investing in myself...but I have realized that by working on myself...I am showing up better for my kids, my spouse, my friends & my clients. You are worth it beautiful!
I hope these tips will help you see the value in connecting back to your body. To listen to more of this topic...watch the video here!
P.S. Whenever you are ready - here are 3 ways I can help you to accept + respect your body with my proven method that is disrupting diet culture...even if you think weightless is the only answer to your happiness....
1. Receive daily affirmations to your phone! Set the tone for your day with positive self-talk!
Daily Affirmations!
2. Join our community Self-Love at any size: Accept + Respect your body! and connect with women who will empower, inspire and motivate you to love your imperfectly perfect self & learn to accept and respect your body!
3. Find your Magic Course Library! Discover movement you love, Find self-Love through journaling, make peace with food, or harness the power of crystals! Receive your special discount to all my courses by using the coupon code: MAGICVIP at check-out! The Self-Love Revolution has also launched! Become a Self-Love Maven by signing up for this transformational program at 40% off (Use your coupon code: MAGICVIP) Join the Revolution!