Let's face it...there is a lot of fear placed upon moving away from diet culture. I get it...you feel like your giving up. You feel like your going to gain a bunch of weight which equals total unworthiness in the eyes of diet culture & society as a whole. I was like you too. Scared of stepping away from the one thing I thought was the answer to my happiness. When I finally took the brave leap and stepped away...what I discovered is something far from what I ever thought possible.
I found love for myself despite of the number of the scale. I felt worthy, I felt happy & I felt free. FREE! Free to connect back to my body. To listen to my body. To accept and respect my body. Here are a few of my first steps I took away from diet culture. I hope these steps will help you to also see the light at the end of that dark tunnel that diet culture has you trapped in.
1. Stop setting weightloss goals
I remember my first January 1st stepping away from diet culture. I chose to NOT set a weight loss goal as a new years resolution. I was done. Instead I chose goals like moving my body more, nourishing my body more & doing the things that made me happy. Best decision EVAR!
2. Connecting to movement I loved
I used to only exercise to lose weight. Movement for me was only to burn off a certain amount of calories or get rid of that "stubborn belly fat". I stopped doing movement I hated. I found Yoga. I walked in nature. I kayaked. I danced. Doing movement I loved brought soo much joy back to moving my body, listening to my body & respecting my body.
3. I threw away the scale
The scale determined how my day was going to go. The scale determined how much I was allowed to eat that day. The scale was running the show. Taking away the power the scale had over me was not a easy task. I still think about the scale...but I know my mental health thanks me for giving the power back to how my body feels...not the number on the scale.
I hope these insights to my disrupting diet culture inspires you to try even just one of these steps. I speak more about this in one of my latest videos...click here to watch! You will be amazed by how free you feel stepping back into your power...and giving that power back to YOUR body.
P.S. Whenever you are ready - here are 3 ways I can help you on the path to finding self-love at any size through mystic and holistic approaches! Let's find your magic!
1. Receive daily affirmations to your phone! Set the tone for your day with positive self-talk!
Daily Affirmations!
2. Join our community Imperfectly Perfect YOU: Finding Self-Love at any size! and connect with women who will empower, inspire and motivate you to love your imperfectly perfect self & learn to accept and respect your body!
3. Find your Magic Course Library! Discover movement you love, Find self-Love through journaling, make peace with food, or harness the power of crystals! Receive your special discount to all my courses by using the coupon code: MAGICVIP at check-out! The Self-Love Revolution has also launched! Become a Self-Love Maven by signing up for this transformational program at 40% off (Use your coupon code: MAGICVIP) Join the Revolution!
1. Receive daily affirmations to your phone! Set the tone for your day with positive self-talk!
Daily Affirmations!
2. Join our community Imperfectly Perfect YOU: Finding Self-Love at any size! and connect with women who will empower, inspire and motivate you to love your imperfectly perfect self & learn to accept and respect your body!
3. Find your Magic Course Library! Discover movement you love, Find self-Love through journaling, make peace with food, or harness the power of crystals! Receive your special discount to all my courses by using the coupon code: MAGICVIP at check-out! The Self-Love Revolution has also launched! Become a Self-Love Maven by signing up for this transformational program at 40% off (Use your coupon code: MAGICVIP) Join the Revolution!