Mindset: the established set of attitudes held by someone.
Believe it or not...your mindset plays a big role in your success & how you generally feel about how you show up for your life. You can either have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset. When you have a fixed mindset you believe that your intelligence or talents are simply fixed traits...where on the growth mindset side of things...you believe these abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Where do you think your mindset is? Does it change depending on the day? Do you know how to improve your mindset when you find yourself doubting your abilities? Here are 4 simple ways we can improve our mindset.
1. Learn from your mistakes
We all make mistakes...but being able to learn from them is the key to keeping a growth mindset. If you talk to any person who has achieved their dreams or goals...I'm sure they can tell you about their mistakes and what they learned along the way. Being able to have the perspective of gaining something from each setback will have you staying in that growth mindset.
2. Find inspiration
When you are able to have things in your life that inspire you, odds are you are able to keep moving forward with a growth mindset. When you are able to set aside time in your day to feel inspired, whether that is watching inspirational content on social media, finding gratitude for yourself or others, or any other activities that keep your inspiration flowing.
3. Set small goals each day
After you have figured out what exactly your goals and dreams are...it is important to set small tasks for yourself each day to be doing something towards that bigger goal. When you do this you will find yourself feeling inspired, motivated and maintain that growth mindset needed to accomplish what you want in this life. Time blocking is also really important for setting those daily tiny goals as you make sure you set aside that specific time to complete those tasks towards your goals.
4. Positive Self-Talk
Encourage yourself. Compliment yourself. Reward yourself. But also make sure to stay realistic and grounded. It’ll help you stay focused on your journey and realistic about what you can achieve and how soon. When you give yourself a pep-talk you are more likely to stay in that positive mindset. My favourite way to do this is through daily affirmations. These I AM statements help me to stay focused, connected & on track with my goals.
What are some things you do to keep or aim towards a growth mindset? Do you have tools you use that help you do keep moving forward? Here is video that talks about some more ways to improve your mindset
I also have a group of women who are empowering each other to love their imperfectly perfect selves. We would love to have you in that space.
Want to take a deeper look into your mindset, confidence, self-care, forgiveness, boundaries, dreams and goals? I have a 8 week program that takes you a self-love journey through journaling, yoga, meditation and affirmations. It is half-off right now! Let's find your magic!
Have the best week! Sending you love and light,

Are you feeling stuck? Stressed? Unworthy? Disconnected from life? Our chakras can have a lot to do with those feelings. What exactly are the chakras? The word chakra means "wheel" and refers to the energy points in the body. These points can effect our emotional and physical well-being. The good news? There are a lot of fun ways we can work on keeping our chakras balanced & find ourselves feeling grounded and secure. As self-love being such an important topic to me...I wanted to give you 3 ways to keep your heart chakra balanced.

- - Located in the center of your chest around the heart
- - Associated with the color green
- - Connected to heart, thymus and the endoctrine system
- - Heart Chakra relates to compassion, love for self and others, connection and safety
3 ways we can keep the heart chakra balanced:
1. Surround yourself with the color green.
Wearing green, having green items like plants in your environment. Crystals like amazonite, jade, emerald, green adventurine.
2. Affirmations
Repeating these affirmations daily will help to keep your heart chakra balanced.
- I love myself and others fearlessly
- I am guided by empathy and compassion
- I am a source of healing for others
3. Yoga
Many different Yoga poses are amazing for opening our heart. My favourite pose for this purpose is half-camel.

- Kneel with your shoulders stacked over your hips and your hips stacked over your knees
- Reach around with your left hand placing your hand on your ankle/heel
- Start to press your hips foward as you lean your heart back
- Bring right hand to your Heart Chakra, reach the right arm over towards the left side
- To come out, activate your core and slowly re-stack your shoulders and hips releasing the hands coming back to your center
- Reach around with your left hand placing your hand on your ankle/heel
- Start to press your hips foward as you lean your heart back
- Bring right hand to your Heart Chakra, reach the right arm over towards the left side
- To come out, activate your core and slowly re-stack your shoulders and hips releasing the hands coming back to your center
- Perform the same on the opposite side
Want to learn more about self-love through the Chakras? I have a video that explains this & how I can help you do find self-love through the chakras!
Learn More
Want to learn more about self-love through the Chakras? I have a video that explains this & how I can help you do find self-love through the chakras!
Learn More
Want to join my free community where women empower each other to love their imperfectly perfect selves?

Body scan guided meditations can help people become more self-aware and present, cope with pain, feel more relaxed and less anxious, sleep better, and learn to be less self-critical.
It’s believed that the practice can help increase awareness of sensations happening in the body, providing insight into deeper emotions without judging or trying to change them.
It’s believed that the practice can help increase awareness of sensations happening in the body, providing insight into deeper emotions without judging or trying to change them.
During a body scan, you mentally scan over every part of your body from your head to your toes, while focusing on your sensations. Sensations are anything that you feel and notice in the body, like tingling, cramping, tightness, heat, coolness, buzzing, pulsing, itching, throbbing or numbness.
Why is noticing sensations in the body beneficial? It helps bring your attention to the present moment, since you can only feel what is taking place in the “here and now.”
Why is noticing sensations in the body beneficial? It helps bring your attention to the present moment, since you can only feel what is taking place in the “here and now.”
Here are 5 ways that a body-scan can help your health and wellness:
1. Improved self-awareness
2. Relaxing effects
3. Can be beneficial to sleep
4. May help cope with pain
5. May improve focus
Ready to try a body-scan meditation?
Want to explore more meditations & other holisitc practices like journaling, yoga & affirmations? Join my free community empowering women to love their imperfectly perfect selves. Www.imperfectlyperfectyou.ca
Want to dive deeper into your self-love journey? Gain confidence, forgiveness, boundaries while taking steps towards your dreams & goals. Let's find your magic in my 8 week program. Www.martinahealthandwellness.com/page/find-your-magic

Do you love the idea of journaling but just don't have time to fit one more thing into your routine? I used to feel that way too. Mornings especially seem hectic & as if I had 10 minutes to do one more thing. Between getting kids ready, lunches ready, tidying up the house as you go...finding time for one more thing seemed to be asking to do the impossible.
Fast forward to the present. I have a consistent journaling practice that takes me 10 minutes or less each day. I get up 15 minutes earlier than I used to & once I have everything done to start the day I sit down with my coffee & take those 10 minutes. Its crazy to believe how much those 10 minutes mean to me. It means I start my day off on the right foot, It means I feel happy leaving the house to head to work, it means everything. It's a practice that has allowed me to find that minute to pause, reflect & dream. I cherish this time & can't wait to get to my journal in the mornings.
What on earth do you journal about? Well...let me tell you!
1. Affirmations
Affirmations are how I start my journal. I have done a lot of work with my affirmation and its makes me a little teary eyed each time I write it. In encompasses who I am and how I want to show up for the world. I sometimes write anywhere from 1-5 affirmations. For those of you that don't know what an affirmation is...I got you! An affirmation is a I AM statement. Something that describes you but in the form of I AM. Even if it is something you don't necessarily believe yet... that's even more reason to write it. For example, writing down I AM ENOUGH...even when you don't feel like you are...if you write it down enough times guess what? You just might start believe it! By the way... YOU ARE ENOUGH.
1. Affirmations
Affirmations are how I start my journal. I have done a lot of work with my affirmation and its makes me a little teary eyed each time I write it. In encompasses who I am and how I want to show up for the world. I sometimes write anywhere from 1-5 affirmations. For those of you that don't know what an affirmation is...I got you! An affirmation is a I AM statement. Something that describes you but in the form of I AM. Even if it is something you don't necessarily believe yet... that's even more reason to write it. For example, writing down I AM ENOUGH...even when you don't feel like you are...if you write it down enough times guess what? You just might start believe it! By the way... YOU ARE ENOUGH.
2. Gratitudes
Anyone who has been around my pages or blog knows how important gratitude is to me. Each day I write a minimum of 5 gratitudes. I always make sure that one of my gratitudes is about my body...as that has been a big part of my self-love journey. Choosing a body part to be grateful for allows me to send some love to my body each day. Try to also think of something different to be grateful for than the traditional "my spouse, my kids, a roof over my head. Although all those things are definitely things to be grateful....try to expand your gratitudes to things you smell, hear, taste, touch or see.
Anyone who has been around my pages or blog knows how important gratitude is to me. Each day I write a minimum of 5 gratitudes. I always make sure that one of my gratitudes is about my body...as that has been a big part of my self-love journey. Choosing a body part to be grateful for allows me to send some love to my body each day. Try to also think of something different to be grateful for than the traditional "my spouse, my kids, a roof over my head. Although all those things are definitely things to be grateful....try to expand your gratitudes to things you smell, hear, taste, touch or see.
3. Goals! (This one is fun)
I like to write down my goals each day...but there is a twist. I write down my goals as if they already happened. This allows you to re-wire your brain into thinking these goals have or are going to happen. I love this exercise as it allows me to keep in alignment with what I want out of life & what it feels like when I get there. Doing this practice has actually allowed me to reach some of my goals...and crossing them off once I do...well that's a feeling like no other.
So that concludes my morning journaling practice. I still journal other times when I can...but this is my consistent routine. I make sure I journal on new moon, full moon, or when I am going through a rough time and need to get my thoughts out (I call this a mind clear).
If you want to establish a journaling routine I have a 8 week program called find your magic: a journey to self-love through journaling. This program has 8 weeks of journal prompts, yoga practices, meditation & affirmations. This program is for you if you want to improve your mindset, confidence, boundaries, forgiveness, creativity dreams & goals. Who knew a pen was the only magic wand you needed? COMING FEBRUARY 2021 - THE FIND YOUR MAGIC JOURNAL! Stay tuned!
If you want to join our free group where women empower each other to love their imperfectly perfect selves...we would love to have you join us!
Want to visit my swag shop? Clothing and accessories to empower and inspire you!
Until next week...sending you love and light


Crystals have been a important part of my self-love journey. Crystals are a simple but powerful way to unclear blockages and make self care that little bit easier.
While it might by easy to overlook our relationship with ourselves...what we don't
realize is that it is the most important relationship we will ever have!
Why? Because it sets the tone for all your other relationships - if you cannot show true love and compassion towards yourself, it is very difficult to show it towards another.
Not only this, but practicing self love helps to raise your vibration, making you more likely to manifest your dreams and your desires with the law of attraction.
Why? Because it sets the tone for all your other relationships - if you cannot show true love and compassion towards yourself, it is very difficult to show it towards another.
Not only this, but practicing self love helps to raise your vibration, making you more likely to manifest your dreams and your desires with the law of attraction.
The properties of crystals work in harmony with our energies, helping to balance any blockages we may have and open up chakras. Crystal healing in itself is an act of self love as we are dedicating time to our own growth and healing. When we spend time working with our subtle energies, we develop more self awareness and understand what it is we need to heal.
Here are my top 3 crystals to support you in your self-love journey.

1. Rose quartz is known as the stone of unconditional love - not just towards others, but yourself too! Rose quartz helps you to practice self compassion and love yourself regardless of any imperfections! It helps you to love your imperfectly perfect self...just the way you are in this moment.

2. Orange Calcite is a powerful healing stone containing the element of fire. It is linked to the physical body and also aids in healing emotional issues. Carrying the energies known to repair, restore, strengthen and protect, orange calcite fits perfectly into ones collection of self-love healing stones.

3. Clear Quartz - Learning to love yourself comes with a lot of healing, which is why having this crystal in your toolkit is a great idea. It is known as the universal healer of all crystals. Not only will it keep you strong but it also keeps your other crystals strong too by clearing their energies as you use them. I recommend always having this stone around!
How to use your crystals:
- During meditation: hold the crystal & set intentions around self-love
- Place on Chakra points: Place crystals on the heart space where the self-love chakra is located.
- Place around the home: Put crystals around your home to keep the good energy flowing. Specific to the self-love or heart chakra place these crystals in the back right corner of your home for feng shui benefits.
- Wear your crystals: Place them in your purse, vehicle or bra to take them with you wherever you go!
I hope this helped you to learn a bit more about crystals that can help you on your self-love journey. If you would like to have these little crystal beauties in your life...click here!
If you are seeking a community of women who empower each other to love their imperfectly perfect selves..join us!
If you want to learn more about my Find your Magic Program and improve your confidence, mindset, forgiveness, boundaries & gain that love for your imperfectly perfect self...program is half-off until December 31st 2020
Sending you love and light,