Do you love the idea of journaling but just don't have time to fit one more thing into your routine? I used to feel that way too. Mornings especially seem hectic & as if I had 10 minutes to do one more thing. Between getting kids ready, lunches ready, tidying up the house as you go...finding time for one more thing seemed to be asking to do the impossible.
Fast forward to the present. I have a consistent journaling practice that takes me 10 minutes or less each day. I get up 15 minutes earlier than I used to & once I have everything done to start the day I sit down with my coffee & take those 10 minutes. Its crazy to believe how much those 10 minutes mean to me. It means I start my day off on the right foot, It means I feel happy leaving the house to head to work, it means everything. It's a practice that has allowed me to find that minute to pause, reflect & dream. I cherish this time & can't wait to get to my journal in the mornings.
What on earth do you journal about? Well...let me tell you!
1. Affirmations
Affirmations are how I start my journal. I have done a lot of work with my affirmation and its makes me a little teary eyed each time I write it. In encompasses who I am and how I want to show up for the world. I sometimes write anywhere from 1-5 affirmations. For those of you that don't know what an affirmation is...I got you! An affirmation is a I AM statement. Something that describes you but in the form of I AM. Even if it is something you don't necessarily believe yet... that's even more reason to write it. For example, writing down I AM ENOUGH...even when you don't feel like you are...if you write it down enough times guess what? You just might start believe it! By the way... YOU ARE ENOUGH.
1. Affirmations
Affirmations are how I start my journal. I have done a lot of work with my affirmation and its makes me a little teary eyed each time I write it. In encompasses who I am and how I want to show up for the world. I sometimes write anywhere from 1-5 affirmations. For those of you that don't know what an affirmation is...I got you! An affirmation is a I AM statement. Something that describes you but in the form of I AM. Even if it is something you don't necessarily believe yet... that's even more reason to write it. For example, writing down I AM ENOUGH...even when you don't feel like you are...if you write it down enough times guess what? You just might start believe it! By the way... YOU ARE ENOUGH.
2. Gratitudes
Anyone who has been around my pages or blog knows how important gratitude is to me. Each day I write a minimum of 5 gratitudes. I always make sure that one of my gratitudes is about my body...as that has been a big part of my self-love journey. Choosing a body part to be grateful for allows me to send some love to my body each day. Try to also think of something different to be grateful for than the traditional "my spouse, my kids, a roof over my head. Although all those things are definitely things to be grateful....try to expand your gratitudes to things you smell, hear, taste, touch or see.
Anyone who has been around my pages or blog knows how important gratitude is to me. Each day I write a minimum of 5 gratitudes. I always make sure that one of my gratitudes is about my body...as that has been a big part of my self-love journey. Choosing a body part to be grateful for allows me to send some love to my body each day. Try to also think of something different to be grateful for than the traditional "my spouse, my kids, a roof over my head. Although all those things are definitely things to be grateful....try to expand your gratitudes to things you smell, hear, taste, touch or see.
3. Goals! (This one is fun)
I like to write down my goals each day...but there is a twist. I write down my goals as if they already happened. This allows you to re-wire your brain into thinking these goals have or are going to happen. I love this exercise as it allows me to keep in alignment with what I want out of life & what it feels like when I get there. Doing this practice has actually allowed me to reach some of my goals...and crossing them off once I do...well that's a feeling like no other.
So that concludes my morning journaling practice. I still journal other times when I can...but this is my consistent routine. I make sure I journal on new moon, full moon, or when I am going through a rough time and need to get my thoughts out (I call this a mind clear).
If you want to establish a journaling routine I have a 8 week program called find your magic: a journey to self-love through journaling. This program has 8 weeks of journal prompts, yoga practices, meditation & affirmations. This program is for you if you want to improve your mindset, confidence, boundaries, forgiveness, creativity dreams & goals. Who knew a pen was the only magic wand you needed? COMING FEBRUARY 2021 - THE FIND YOUR MAGIC JOURNAL! Stay tuned!
If you want to join our free group where women empower each other to love their imperfectly perfect selves...we would love to have you join us!
Want to visit my swag shop? Clothing and accessories to empower and inspire you!
Until next week...sending you love and light
