Finding self-love, forgiveness and healing is a life long journey for many of us. There is one healing tool that has helped me on my journey to self-love. Crystals are a stable vibration of energy that allows us to set intentions or manifestations of what we desire. Using Rose quartz as a tool in our healing journeys is a positive and uplifting energy that allows us to connect to our greatest dreams and goals.

Below is a great exercise you can do with your Rose Quartz. Find a quiet environment & take some time to connect to your crystal.
Rose Quartz Session
1. Hold your rose quartz heart in your dominant hand.
2. Breathe in and out through you nose. Connect to your body & your breath
3. Say out loud, “I love and accept myself” Say this affirmation as many times as you need to, until your heart and head feel that these words are true.
4. Place your rose quartz gently over your heart, close your eyes and just breathe. Know in your heart and soul that love is the foundation of all things. You can shift and change your life at anytime through love.
5. Take a few minutes to enjoy this feeling of being connected to your breath, love & your body.
2. Breathe in and out through you nose. Connect to your body & your breath
3. Say out loud, “I love and accept myself” Say this affirmation as many times as you need to, until your heart and head feel that these words are true.
4. Place your rose quartz gently over your heart, close your eyes and just breathe. Know in your heart and soul that love is the foundation of all things. You can shift and change your life at anytime through love.
5. Take a few minutes to enjoy this feeling of being connected to your breath, love & your body.
Some other tips for using your Rose Quartz:
- Place a rose quartz over your journal to enhance what you wrote and put an extra boost of positive energy into the universe
- Have your rose quartz in your bedroom or bathroom where you get ready. Think of any self-love affirmations as you pass your crystal throughout the day
- Use crystals as a part of your aromatherapy practice. Leave a rose quartz beside your diffuser to create a loving environment
- Use as a part of your meditation practice or ending a yoga practice
I hope these mystic tips help you on your self-love journey. If you are looking for a bit more information on crystals or self-love:

Check out my self-love collection. Mystic bracelets that help you to embrace your self-love & empower you to love your imperfectly perfect self!
self-love collection
self-love collection
Want to be a part of a community where women empower each other to love their imperfectly perfect selves?
Want to be the first to know when my new course "Find your Magic: Harness the power of crystals"? Add your email to the link below to be a part of the launch party!

From birth we are taught what our bodies should look like. We are always feeling judgement of being too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short...the list goes on. If you were to rate how much you love your body out of 10...what would your rating be? If your number feels lower than it should...you are not alone! When it comes to loving our bodies...its often hard to feel confident & love our natural bodies...with the constant judgement from society telling us what the 'perfect' body should look like.
My journey to loving my body wasn't a easy one. I was a yo-yo dieter for much of my 20's and half of my 30's. Thinking that was the key to happiness I lost over 80lbs. This journey left me feeling hopeless as I still hated my body as much as I did 80lbs heavier. That wasn't the answer. I felt lost & then began my journey inward. Through many holistic approaches, I have learned to love the body I have been given. It has given me 2 children, a life changing yoga practice & allows me to give and receive love. Sure.. I still have a belly that jiggles, breasts that aren't so perky, dry hair & some fine lines under my green eyes. All of that is OK. I still love my body.
Here are my 3 body positive activities that help me to continue to work on loving my imperfectly perfect self. After all, loving your body is less about your physical health & more about your mental health.
1. Positive Body Image Affirmations.
Body image issues start with your mind. By speaking body positive affirmations, you'll be speaking and hearing the things you need to hear for healing! Can you believe the things we tell ourselves have a much greater impact than what others say to us? That's why positive body affirmations work. You're training your brain to say nice things to yourself. Which in turn, is training your eyes to see all those beautiful pieces. Here is some sample affirmations you could use to start your positive body image affirmations.
Body image issues start with your mind. By speaking body positive affirmations, you'll be speaking and hearing the things you need to hear for healing! Can you believe the things we tell ourselves have a much greater impact than what others say to us? That's why positive body affirmations work. You're training your brain to say nice things to yourself. Which in turn, is training your eyes to see all those beautiful pieces. Here is some sample affirmations you could use to start your positive body image affirmations.
- I feel strong and confident in my body.
- My body radiates beautiful kindness.
- I love _________ about my body because it makes me special and unique.
- My heart is courageous, kind, and loving.
- I enjoy feeling good about my body.
- My body radiates beautiful kindness.
- I love _________ about my body because it makes me special and unique.
- My heart is courageous, kind, and loving.
- I enjoy feeling good about my body.
2. Make promises to your body
Let today be the start of not breaking promises to yourself. Make a list of promises that you can and will stick to. Write them down or print them out. Here's a list of body positive promises to get your started:
- I will no longer insult you.
- I refuse to compare you to others.
- I'll treat you with love and respect.
- I'll nourish you with healthy foods and lots of water.
- I will keep you strong by remaining active.
- I promise to get enough sleep each night.
Let today be the start of not breaking promises to yourself. Make a list of promises that you can and will stick to. Write them down or print them out. Here's a list of body positive promises to get your started:
- I will no longer insult you.
- I refuse to compare you to others.
- I'll treat you with love and respect.
- I'll nourish you with healthy foods and lots of water.
- I will keep you strong by remaining active.
- I promise to get enough sleep each night.
3. Body Outline
Draw a body outline and write down the things your body does for you.
This is an activity that many teachers and mothers use for to teach positive self image in children. Why not use this as a body positive activity for adults? Here is a worksheet of a body outline activity.
This is an activity that many teachers and mothers use for to teach positive self image in children. Why not use this as a body positive activity for adults? Here is a worksheet of a body outline activity.

Using these body positivity activities, I hope you find yourself being more comfortable with your body image.
One day, I hope you'll be thinking about who you were and who you are now. Eventually, you'll be strong enough to share the love and empower other women to feel better about themselves too!
One day, I hope you'll be thinking about who you were and who you are now. Eventually, you'll be strong enough to share the love and empower other women to feel better about themselves too!
Join Imperfectly perfect YOU to be a part of a group of women who are empowering each other to find self-love at any size!
I have a 8 week program that focuses on finding self-love through journaling, yoga & meditation. Let's find your magic! Learn more about my program here
My self-love journal is available now! Click the image below to learn more!
Want to learn more about how I empower women to find self-love at any size? Check out my YouTube channel!

Do you ever find yourself slipping into negative self-talk? Those negative thoughts that tell you your not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough or worthy of love and belonging? I've been there too...and luckily I have discovered some ways that help me to keep my mind in check & toss the negative thoughts out the door! Here are 3 ways that you can get rid of that negative self-talk for good!
1. Monitor your self-talk by writing it down
If you find yourself in a bad cycle of negative self-talk my challenge to you would be to carry around a journal for a couple days. Every time you think a negative thought about yourself, write down that thought and the trigger attached to it. Notice what happened right before the thought will help you to figure out what kind of work you need to do in order to heal from those negative thought patterns. Maybe its boundaries or comparison? Once you find out what makes you have those thoughts the faster you can correct the self-talk & transform it into positive self-talk.
2. Imagining someone you love or care about
Think about this for a moment. You are thinking of a person you love and care about. When we are thinking about self-talk...do you think you would ever speak this way to a person of whom you love or care for? The answer is probably no. Think about this next time you start feeding yourself this negative self-talk & remind yourself that you need to be your biggest fan, you need to treat yourself the same way that you treat those you love. It's that simple.
3. Reprogram your self-talk with affirmations!
This is my favourite step of this process. Affirmations or I AM statements are powerful tools that we have to transform our thoughts and reprogram our brains to believe that we are worthy of all the things we wish to have in this life. Start by repeating some affirmations every day to yourself in the mirror, journaling some affirmations or setting an alarm on your phone that have affirmations written in them. Keep consistent with those positive thoughts and notice how your self-perception changes and you all of a sudden believe in your worth, your importance and love your imperfectly perfect self!
To listen to a video I did on negative self-talk...click here
Want to join a group of women who are empowering each other to love their imperfectly perfect selves? www.imperfectlyperfectyou.ca
Want to learn more about the ways I can help you to find self-love at any size & love your imperfectly perfect self?
Want more of my content? Click here to visit my Youtube Channel!
Thanks for being here! Sending you love and light!

Why is self-love important? Why should we strive to love ourselves? Why does self-love seem to be determined by the size of our clothes or the number on the scale? These are hard questions I continue to ask myself and I feel like society needs a shift into what actually matters....your inner world. When your able to do the inner work...it creates your outer world. Im going to give you 3 tips on how you can love yourself a little more each day!
1. Be grateful
Gratitude is an amazing way to connect to the present moment & find things about yourself that you love. Maybe its the way your legs allow you to walk, your vision to allow you to experience the beauty of this world, or maybe its your hands that allow you to be creative. Finding something we love about our bodies allows us to gain a little more love for ourselves each day. Start this practice by writing down 1 thing your grateful for about your body. Here is a video where I talk about how to be grateful (even when it feels impossible).
2. Self-talk
Your self-talk determines how well you love yourself. If you have a constant replay of the bad things about you on repeat in your mind...guess what? That is exactly what your going to believe & if will reflect on how you show up for your life. Try starting with some daily affirmations of positive self talk while your getting ready in the morning. Look in the mirror and say. I AM AM AMAZING. I AM BEAUTIFUL. I AM IMPERFECTLY PERFECT.
Be consistent & you will start to notice your self-talk improve. Notice how this makes you feel! Want to recieve a free daily text affirmation to your phone? I got you!
3. Movement
Moving your body allows you to connect to yourself. The thing is, exercise can be different than movement as self-care just like dieting is quite different than choosing foods that will nourish our bodies. Like food is nourishing, so is movement! One of the best ways to move through emotions is to literally, move your body, but this doesn’t necessarily mean heading to the gym a few times a week. While consistent movement is important to our overall mental health and well-being and can be as simple as walking or stretching more....movement can also be a real-time, in the moment activity that’s accessible to everyone at anytime, truly! Plus, once we get the energy moving it becomes much easier and more productive to “sit with our emotions”. Some simple movement ideas could be a walk, yoga, dancing in the kitchen (highly recommended), or a short run. Finding what feels good for your body is so important in connecting movement to self-love.
I hope these tips help you in your self-love journey! Did you know my self-love journal is available? Over 90 pages of journal prompts helping you to work on your mindset, confidence, self-love, creativity, gratitude, forgiveness, boundaries, dreams & goals!
Want to get more self-love tips? Join a group of women who empower each other to love their imperfectly perfect selves. Home of the 21 day find your magic challenge!

Morning routines help us set the tone for the day, better allowing us to control our schedules rather than our schedule controlling us. As we start each day fresh, we can better focus on what is in front of us, where to prioritize our time, and, ultimately, increase our productivity. I like to call my time in the morning "magical minutes". Magical minutes are things that I have made a part of my morning routine that only take couples minutes, but allow me to focus on starting my day on a positive note rather than a negative one. Here is a glimpse in to my routine hoping you might be inspired to add some of these magical minutes to your morning!
1. Wake up & meditate
When I first wake up, before I reach for my phone...I will do 5 minutes of meditating. This might be a breath awareness, repeating affirmations to myself, listening to a guided meditation, etc. My favourite app for free meditations is insight timer. I am a teacher on this app as well. Click the button. below to listen to a 5 minute self-love meditation
2. Slow movement
I then begin waking up my body with slow mindful movement. I usually choose 5-10 yoga poses that feel good to my body...depending on the day. To view a quick 5 minute morning yoga sequence, click below.
3. Post my content for the day
The next step of my morning involves me spending about 15 minutes posting and commenting on my social media business pages. I really try to save this step for after I have meditated and done some gentle movement.
The next step of my morning involves me spending about 15 minutes posting and commenting on my social media business pages. I really try to save this step for after I have meditated and done some gentle movement.
4. Get ready, get set, journal & coffee
The next step of my morning routine involves getting myself ready for the day, listening to relaxing music while I get ready, get dressed, get lunches made & then I make myself breakfast, coffee & sit down to do my morning journal. My morning journal consists of 3 different sections, my affirmations, my gratitudes & my goals. Click the button below to view my video where I explain my journaling practice along with the rest of my morning routine.
My morning routine
My morning routine
I hope my routine has maybe inspired you to re-look at your morning routine & see if you feel inspired to try any of my practices. May your magical minutes make you feel grounded, connected and ready to start your day on a positive note!
If you want to join a group of women who are empowering each other to love their imperfectly perfect selves:
If you need a guided journal to help you with your mindset, confidence, self-care, forgiveness, boundaries, creativity, dreams and goals...my Find your magic journal is available now!
Have the best week friends! Sending you love and light!