Let's imagine 2 women.

Society tells us that the difference between these two girls is that one obiviously went on a weight loss journey in order to feel that way...but what if I told you that you could feel like the second girl without losing a single pound!
I started out as that first girl. I hated my body, yo-yo dieted for years, lost 80lbs at one point...but looked in the mirror and felt that same hate for my body that I did 80lbs heavier. Even though my body shape changed, I hadn't changed the mental aspect of my journey. I went inside. I worked hard on changing my inner dialogue through affirmations, journaling, coaching, yoga & meditation.
I am proud to say that I now can look in the mirror and say "Damn girl you look good". I love my imperfectly perfect self...just as I am in this moment. I found my magic & I would love to help you find yours. The journey of self-love has no ending...but I would love to help you take a step down the path of that journey.
Click here to listen to how you can become that confident woman without losing a pound!
If you looking for ways to increase your self-love, self-worth & self-esteem? Check out my program called Finding your Magic: A journey to Self-Love through journaling.
If you want to join my FREE Group where women empower eachother to love their imperfectly perfect selves.

3 ways to choose forgiveness
We need to accept our imperfections, before we can truly love ourselves. Practice being less hard on yourself when you make a mistake. Remember, there are no failures, if you have learned and grown from your mistakes; there are only lessons learned. Being able to forgive yourself requires empathy, compassion, kindness, and understanding. It also requires you to accept that forgiveness is a choice.
1. Focus on your emotions
One of the first steps in learning how to forgive yourself is to focus on your emotions. Before you can move forward, you need to acknowledge and process your emotions. What feels come up for you when you think of fogiveness? Give yourself permission to recognize and accept the feelings that have been triggered in you and embrace them.
2. Think of each mistake as a learning experience.
A mistake is a chance to learn & grow as a person. Reminding ourselves that we did the best we could with the tools and knowledge we had at the time, will help us forgive ourselves and move forward.
3. Have a conversation with your inner critic
Journaling can help you understand your inner critic and develop self-compassion. Try having a conversation with your inner critic. Write down the things you doubt about yourself and then write about why those things arent true! You can also use journaling time to make a list of the qualities you like about yourself, including your strengths and skills. This can help boost your self-confidence when you’re feeling down about a mistake you made.
Forgiveness is an important part of the healing process as it allows you to let go of the anger, guilt, shame, sadness, or any other feeling you may be experiencing, and move forward in a positive way. Once you identify what you’re feeling, give a voice to it and accept that mistakes are inevitable. You’ll begin to see how freeing forgiveness can be.
Join our free group where women empower eachother to love their imperfectly perfect selves.
Want to learn more about forgiveness and self-love? Join my course! Find your Magic: a journey to self-love through journaling.

3 ways to start setting healthy boundaries
Calling all people pleasers. I see you. I feel you. I am you. We need to start to realize the importance of setting healthy boundaries. It is key to maintaining healthy relationships with yourself and others.
When we say yes to everything we may feel stressed, overwhelmed or burnt out. It ties us to wanting to be liked and please others. Let's stop doing this...ok?
1. Tune into your inner sense of yes and no
You know what I'm talking about. That gut feeling that tells you that this thing is for you or not. Take a minute to listen to your inner voice. It wants to be heard.
2. Learn to tolerate reactions of others
Boundary setting will UNLEASH emotion you guys...but in the long run it improves relationships. Be ready for emotion & know that its a healthy response to setting boundaries.
Boundary setting will UNLEASH emotion you guys...but in the long run it improves relationships. Be ready for emotion & know that its a healthy response to setting boundaries.
3. Engage in acts of compassion and self-care.
You can't pour from an empty cup y'all. Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion you give to others. Relax, recharge & connect with yourself. You deserve it & it is oh so important to your overall wellness.
Click here to watch my video on setting healthy boundaries.
You can't pour from an empty cup y'all. Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion you give to others. Relax, recharge & connect with yourself. You deserve it & it is oh so important to your overall wellness.
Click here to watch my video on setting healthy boundaries.
Soo...take these 3 steps and start living your life intentionally setting healthy boundaries. Boundaries are a important part of having healthy relationships and establishing an overall sense of well-being.
If your interested in joining my FREE group where women empower each other to love their imperfectly perfect selves. Click on the button below.
If your interested in joining my FREE group where women empower each other to love their imperfectly perfect selves. Click on the button below.
Have the best week you guys!
Sending you Love & Light

3 ways to Cultivate Self-Love
Self-Love is a life-long journey. Being able to truly love ourselves...mind, body & spirit...takes dedication, effort & a whole lot of (you guessed it)...LOVE! Here are 3 ways that you can start to cultivate more self-love for yourself.

1. Stop comparing yourself to others
Comparing yourself to others is a sure way to have less self-love & self-esteem. Social media makes it very easy for us to fall into the trap of comparing. Life online looks flawless, perfect & let's face it...often NOT REALISTIC. Think about unfollowing people that tend to make you feel unworthy or think negatively about yourself...we don't have time for that! Follow accounts that inspire, empower & motivate! Try to focus on being more present in your own life, as opposed to being so focused on everyone else. Create the reality that everyone is imperfectly perfect...and so are you!
2. Love yourself NOW, not later
2. Love yourself NOW, not later

Dont wait until you make whatever personal growth changes you’re looking to make, before you start loving yourself. Commit to love your imperfectly perfect self...just as you are in this moment. Making the conscious decision to love yourself now will actually make it easier for you to work towards your personal development goals and life aspirations. YOU ARE WORTH IT!
3. Get to know yourself through self-reflection
3. Get to know yourself through self-reflection
You love your friends and family...right? So get that same love for yourself, and show yourself that same love and respect that you give to your loved ones. Consider yourself to be one of your loved ones! It’s all about mindset, and change in perspective. When you think about things differently, you’ll feel differently. Consider starting a journaling practice to aid you in getting to know yourself. Practices of affirmations & gratitudes also allow us to self-reflect on who we are and what we are grateful for!
There are many more areas of self-love that I could explore with you...but this gives you some ideas on how to start loving yourself NOW!
If your looking for a online community of women who empower each other to love their imperfectly perfect selves...join my FREE group!
If your looking for a online community of women who empower each other to love their imperfectly perfect selves...join my FREE group!

I used to have the mindset of "When I lose the weight, I will be happy", "People will love me more when I lose the weight", "I will love myself when I lose the weight". Guess what guys? NOT TRUE. I went on a journey to find love for myself through weightloss. At the end of my 80lb weightloss journey I felt EXACTLY the same as I did 80lbs heavier. In my before photo...I see the missing spark in my eyes...something had to change. I had to work on my inner self in order for it to be reflected on the outside.
So this is where my journey inward began. My first step was taking my Yoga teacher training. This gave me the self-love, peace & power that I was missing. My Yoga practice gave me permission to love myself just as I am. This was huge! I then found myself craving more from this way of life. I found journaling, essential oils, crystals & cards...all the things you guys! I took personal development courses, mastermind groups, anything I could to dive deeper into this "self-love" way of life. Guess what happened?
So this is where my journey inward began. My first step was taking my Yoga teacher training. This gave me the self-love, peace & power that I was missing. My Yoga practice gave me permission to love myself just as I am. This was huge! I then found myself craving more from this way of life. I found journaling, essential oils, crystals & cards...all the things you guys! I took personal development courses, mastermind groups, anything I could to dive deeper into this "self-love" way of life. Guess what happened?
I found a love for my imperfectly perfect self that I never thought was possible. My relationships are now better, my marriage is better, I am a better Mom, I am myself regardless of who is watching. I want this for you too friend. If you find yourself struggling with loving your imperfectly perfect self...I want to see you shine! I want you to feel the same way I do!
Join my FREE Group where we empower each other to love our imperfectly perfect selves. It is pretty magical & the journey has only begun!
Sending you love and light