You know the drill. You've had a long day, you're hungry, and all you can think about is how good it would feel to eat something comforting. Before you know it, you've raided the pantry or the fridge and are eating way more than you meant to. If this sounds familiar, then you may be struggling with emotional eating. But before you give up on yourself, there's one trick that may help: journaling. Here's how it works...
I'm not going to lie. I used to hate my body. I would look in the mirror and see all of my flaws; the things that made me different than everyone else. I would dissect every part of myself, wishing I could just be like everyone else. But then something changed. Slowly but surely, I started to accept myself for who I was. And you know what? It felt really good. So if you're currently hating your body, here are four reasons why you should stop right now...and how life changes when you do!
If you're like most people, you probably think of yoga when you hear the phrase "mindful movement." However, yoga is just one type of mindful movement. In fact, any type of movement can be made mindful with a little intention and attention. For beginners, there are three main things to keep in mind when practicing mindful movement: the breath, the body, and the environment. First, focus on your breath and make sure that you are inhaling and exhaling deeply and slowly. Next, bring your attention to your body and how it feels to move. Pay attention to the sensations in your muscles and joints as you flow through each movement. Finally, take note of your surroundings and be aware of how your body is interacting with the space around you. By keeping these three things in mind, you can turn any type of movement into a mindfulness practice.
People often talk about how they want to find abundance in their lives. But, what does that actually mean? What does it look like? To me, abundance is having more than enough of whatever you need. It's being able to live a life that is full of purpose and happiness, no matter what curveballs life throws your way. I believe that everyone can create an abundant life for themselves – it just takes a bit of effort and practice. Here are some tips on how to do just that!
If you're like most people, you probably think of yourself as someone who listens to your body. You might even consider yourself an 'intuitive eater.' But are you really following your hunger cues? Or are you making one of the biggest mistakes that people make when trying to listen to their bodies? Check out this blog post to find out!