It's simple, really. Abundance mindset is the belief that there is enough of whatever you need in life - money, love, success, etc. - to go around. It's about feeling grateful for what you have instead of feeling like you're missing out on something. People with an abundance mindset believe that they can create their own reality, which is a powerful tool for manifesting your deepest desires. So if you're ever feeling down about your current circumstances, remember that it's all just a matter of perspective. Change your mindset and change your life!
1. The law of attraction is real. Your thoughts create your reality
The law of attraction is often ridiculed as a Pseudoscience or New Age woo-woo. But the truth is, it's real. And your thoughts create your reality. Every single abundance you have in your life- whether it be your health, wealth, relationships, or career- is a result of your thoughts. What you think about expands. So if you want more abundance in your life, start thinking abundance thoughts. Thoughts of lack and scarcity will only attract more lack and scarcity into your life. Start thinking abundance thoughts today, and watch your life change for the better. It's the law! Want to grab my favorite money mindset book? It's called You are a badass at making money - By Jen Sincero - Click here to grab it!
2. Visualize what you want and believe that you can have it
Visualizing what you want is a powerful way to manifest abundance in your life. When you visualize, you tap into the power of your subconscious mind and plant the seeds of your future success. By focusing on what you want and believing that you can have it, you open the door to limitless possibilities. So go ahead and visualizing what you want. Whether it's a new car, a bigger house, or simply more abundance in your life, see it in your mind's eye and believe that it's possible. The universe is waiting to deliver your heart's desire. All you have to do is ask. And believe.
3. Believe that you are worthy of abundance
If you don't believe that you are worthy of abundance, then you're probably right. After all, like attracts like. So if you're putting out energy that says "I'm not deserving of good things," then guess what? You're not going to attract abundance into your life. Instead, focus on believing that you are worthy of abundance and watch as the good things start to flow your way. It's really that simple. The Law of Attraction is always working, so if you change your mindset about abundance, abundance will change its mind about you. So go ahead and believe that you are worthy of abundance. It's the first step to making it a reality in your life.
4. Be grateful for what you have
We often take for granted the things we have, and it's only when we lose them that we realize how lucky we were to have them in the first place. So take a moment to appreciate the abundance in your life, whether it's your health, your family and friends, or your material possessions. When you focus on what you're grateful for, you'll start to see just how much you have to be thankful for. abundance, be grateful, focus, health, lucky, material possessions, friends, family. Abundance. We often take for granted the things we have, and it's only when we lose them that we realize how lucky we were to have them in the first place. So take a moment to appreciate the abundance in your life, whether it's your health, your family and friends, or your material possessions. When you focus on what you're grateful for, you'll start to see just how much you have to be thankful for. abundance, be grateful, focus ,health ,lucky ,material possessions ,friends ,family . Abundance. We often take for granted the things we have, and it's only when we lose them that we realize how lucky we were to have them.
P.S. Whenever you are ready - here are 3 ways I can help you to accept + respect your body with my proven method that is disrupting diet culture...even if you think weightless is the only answer to your happiness....
1. Join the envision abundance workshop with myself, Tanya Milano & Stefanie Melo! It's going to be a powerful container for you to truly unlock abundance and start living your best life NOW! SECURE YOUR SPOT NOW!
2. Join our community Self-Love at any size: Accept + Respect your body! and connect with women who will empower, inspire and motivate you to love your imperfectly perfect self & learn to accept and respect your body!
3. Find your Magic Course Library! Discover movement you love, Find self-Love through journaling, make peace with food, or harness the power of crystals! Receive your special discount to all my courses by using the coupon code: MAGICVIP at check-out! The Self-Love Revolution has also launched! Become a Self-Love Maven by signing up for this transformational program at 40% off (Use your coupon code: MAGICVIP) Join the Revolution!
2. Join our community Self-Love at any size: Accept + Respect your body! and connect with women who will empower, inspire and motivate you to love your imperfectly perfect self & learn to accept and respect your body!
3. Find your Magic Course Library! Discover movement you love, Find self-Love through journaling, make peace with food, or harness the power of crystals! Receive your special discount to all my courses by using the coupon code: MAGICVIP at check-out! The Self-Love Revolution has also launched! Become a Self-Love Maven by signing up for this transformational program at 40% off (Use your coupon code: MAGICVIP) Join the Revolution!